Are you thinking about becoming a barber? This is an excellent career choice and it starts with choosing an accredited Irving barber school. People choose this career because they get to be their own boss, share their creativity and earn a good income. When you choose a licensed, accredited Irving barber training program, your experience will not go unnoticed.
Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy is accredited by the National Accrediting Commision of Career Arts and Sciences and licensed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. We meet the highest standards, and by completing our barber training program in Irving TX, you can improve your chances for finding employment.
To learn more about our barber school in Irving TX, contact us today. We have attractive financial aid packages and flexible hours and schedules!
Why Attend Our Irving Barber Training Program
Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy will prepare you for the future as a Class A barber, barber instructor or barber owner. Our Irving barber school is not just recognized in Texas - people from all over the world know our program! This will make it easier to find a stable job when you graduate from our barber colleges in Irving TX.
As you consider your options for Irving barber colleges, here are some things to know about us:
Established in 2015
Large, clean facility
Modern equipment
Well-rounded curriculum
Accessible location
Bus stop next door to our barber school in Irving TX
Skilled, motivated instructors
Start Our Barber Training Program in Irving TX
Becoming a barber offers many unique advantages, and you can complete this program in under a year. Imagine completing your time at our barber colleges in Irving TX, receiving your license and starting your career. It’s within reach thanks to flexible, comprehensive Irving barber colleges like ours.
We look forward to sharing more about our program and earning your trust. For more information about our Irving barber school, contact Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy today.