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Grand Prairie Barber School

Are you interested in becoming a Class A barber? Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy is a licensed, accredited Grand Prairie barber school that offers training for Class A barbers, barber instructors and barber owners. In less than one year, you could be working as a barber and making a good income. Our Grand Prairie barber training program will prepare you for a successful, lucrative career.

Benefits of Attending Our Barber Colleges in Grand Prairie TX

Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy offers a comprehensive barber training program in Grand Prairie TX. We’ll teach you all of the skills you need to know to be a successful barber. Here are some benefits to choosing our Grand Prairie barber colleges:


  • Financial aid available. We understand that a Grand Prairie barber training program can be expensive for some families. We don’t want this to stand in your way. Contact our barber school in Grand Prairie TX to learn more about our attractive financial aid packages.


    Skilled instructors. The instructors at our Grand Prairie barber school are engaging and motivating. They are passionate about what they do and prepare future barbers for the road ahead.

  • Accessible location. Our barber colleges in Grand Prairie TX are conveniently located near Dallas. We have a bus stop next to our facility as well as a diverse clientele that offers plenty of practice opportunities.

  • Comprehensive program. Our barber training program in Grand Prairie TX offers hands-on training that includes the use and care of barber tools, facial treatments, men’s shaving and more. You’ll have all the skills and experience you need to succeed.

Your Future Begins with Our Barber School in Grand Prairie TX

If you’re ready to start your future, Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy has the comprehensive programs you need to succeed. Our Grand Prairie barber colleges offer a superior education. Because we are accredited, people from all over the world will respect your knowledge and training. This will help you find employment and reach your dreams.

To start your journey as a barber, contact our Grand Prairie barber school today. We look forward to starting you on the path to success.

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