Researching your options for the Carrollton best cosmetology schools? Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy is a well-recognized program for those who want to be a cosmetologist and barber. The benefits to doing both services is that you can offer more to your clientele. If you’re ready to jumpstart your career, contact our cosmetology colleges in Carrollton TX today.
Why We’re the Best Cosmetology Schools in Carrollton TX
Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy is a licensed, accredited cosmetology college in Carrollton TX. We teach all the essential skills required to be a successful cosmetologist and barber. As you consider your options for the Carrollton best cosmetology schools, here are some thing to know about our program:
Accessible location. You can take public transportation to get to our Carrollton cosmetology colleges - a bus stop is next door to our building. Our central location also makes it possible to get a diverse clientele.
Financial aid. We try to make our Carrollton cosmetology classes as affordable and attainable as possible. Ask us about our financial aid packages that can reduce your out of pocket expenses.
On-site break room. In between cosmetology classes in Carrollton TX, eat lunch and relax in our clean, spacious break room.
Modern facility. Our cosmetology classes in Carrollton TX take place in a large, clean facility with lots of light and modern gadgets and tools. This makes it easy to learn and perfect your craft.
Skilled instructors. All Carrollton cosmetology classes are taught by skilled instructors. They are passionate about what they do and eager to pass this onto new students.
Call Now to Apply to Our Carrollton Cosmetology Colleges
If you’re interested in learning more about our program or applying to our best cosmetology schools in Carrollton TX, we’ll be happy to walk you through our process. We have a passion for teaching students and are confident that your knowledge and proficiency will be trusted as you look for employment. Contact us today to start your journey at our Carrollton best cosmetology schools.